Hi, Could someone please tell me how do I enable reflections on flat surfaces on a mobile. I have a simple room with one directional light. I need reflections on the tables and ground planes. I have tried every single setting and variation possible and nothing works.
I have tested the Sun Temple demo project and the Reflection Content Example demo project and nether of those projects have reflections on the mobile (iPhone 6). Those projects do have some kind of glare on the ground plans but noting close to what would be classified as a realistic reflection.
SSR does not work on mobile, neither do Sphere or Box Reflection captures. An alternative solution to get reflections working may be to use a Scene Capture Cube, but they don’t work on mobile either.
UE4 is suppose to be an amazing game engine but it doesn’t even offer the ability to support reflections on mobile. Reflections are quite simple to get running on Unity.
I have spent so much time trying to get reflections to work, and the worst thing is, every post or document that i have read about this subject does not offer a solution.
If someone could please confirm for me that reflections do not work on mobile or offer me a solution to get detailed reflections displaying on the ground and tables I would be so appreciative.
I was able to get reflections on my end without issue.
1.) First of all there is an entire wiki section dedicated to mobile development and what and what is not compatible with known and tested devices.
2.) Another of our techs has helped someone with this very same issue and you will need to look into that to determine if you have gone through the same process and discovered the same workarounds/roadblocks they experienced.
3.) The reason that SSR and real time HDR rendering, lighting, and scene captures is not supported at this time is not because the engine is not capable of supporting these functions, it is because not all mobile platform IOS/Android/ etc support HDR. The Epic development team has put in thousands of hours of work and research to explore the possibilities of what can and can’t be used across numerous platforms. Instead of handing you a feature that your device can’t support, like Unity, we offer you an option if your device “does” support this feature to be able to implement it.
Unfortunately Unity is a blank slate and instead of any guidelines to try and prevent you from falling into any traps where you develop an entire project and then put it on a platform only to then say it won’t work, it leaves you to your own devices trusting that you know better.
No, SSR is not supported on mobile devices at this time for various reasons. Even on the most advanced Mobile device on the market you will not achieve the necessary graphics or processing power to calculate Real time rendering at epic settings that a PC/Mac/Linux or XboxOne/PS4 will give you.
I suggest that you read “all” of this material carefully and then understand current technological limitations before you go into development onto a platform and certain features do not behave as you would expect them to.
HI Everyone. i resolve the reflection problem. (Only Static Reflection) Use a Post Porcess Volume and use a Sphere Reflection Capture. and its work on Mobile on OpenGL Not Vulkan.
could you elaborate on your explanation? I dont understand why a post process would help, but have the same problem that my reflections wont work on mobile