No materials rendered for landscape in packaged project?

I have a default (untouched) landscape with a simple black test material applied to it. The landscape shows the black material in the editor (PIE or standalone), but after packaging via project launcher, the exported version only shows the landscape with the default grid material applied. Same happens regardless of what material is applied to the landscape.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Editor view:

Packaged game view:

Material (even tho it happens with any material):

Thank you in advance!

I’m having the same issue, except with a 256x256 texture. One level loads it perfectly, but the other map shows up like yours. No layer blends at all, just a simple texture that won’t even load on mobile.

Apparently according to this post, there is a workaround for this problem involving adding a layer blend and changing its default name. Haven’t tried it yet but will do later.

Edit: The fix in the link indeed works. Landscape rendered fine.