Hi guys
Another Lightmass question!
Why after a light bake using GPU Lightmass (with default settings) do I see 0 Lightmaps in World Settings?(attached)
No errors but in my OutputLog I see
LogGPULightmass: Total lighting time: 1:02 min
LogTemp: Static lighting system is removed for world Foo.
Yet if I change my Indirect Intensity in my PPV there is definitely Lightmap data as my scene changes.
What is happening?
Did you ever find a solution? Same problem with UE 5.0.0.p1
Error in log is: 'Static lighting system is removed for world myWorld’
GI disabled in Project settings, reflection set to screen space, Same in PPV.
Force No Precomputed Lighting is disabled in World Settings
Really would like to test GPUlightmass in the new UE5 but lighting looks bad after building lights and this error is in the only lead in the log.
Converted project that runs fine in 4.27.2