I build a patch version(1.1) of my game to update my released one(1.0) and upload it to google play. And I use google play to update my game on my phone. Then I got the No Google Play Store Key message.
But when I download version 1.0 and worked fine. There is no any obb not found or store key issue. Did I do anything wrong? (Distribution Signing in project settings are already been setting)
- Use Unreal Frontend to build a release version 1.0. (3rd person template project with one cube mesh)
- Upload both .apk and main obb file under the [Project Name]\Binaries\Android\ folder to google play.
- Download the game and run normally.
- Make some modify to my game. (Add another cube mesh)
- Use Unreal Frontend to generate a patch 1.1 based on release 1.0.
- Upload the new .apk under [Project Name]\Binaries\Android\ folder and the .pak under [Project Name]\Saved\StagedBuilds\Android_ETC1\TestPakWin2\Content\Paks\ folder as a patch expansion file(patch obb), but no modify the main obb(use the old one).
- Update the game by google play.
- Run the game and occur No Google Play Store Key issue.