No GameStateClass was specified in GameMode

I’m trying to use a custom GameState class. I have a GameMode subclass which is set as default mode in the project settings. Its constructor looks like this:

ABlocksGameMode::ABlocksGameMode() : Super()
	HUDClass = ABlocksHUD::StaticClass();
	GameStateClass = ABlocksGameState::StaticClass();
	UE_LOG(LogBlocks, Log, TEXT("INIT GAME MODE"));

For some reason I get the following warning on the output logs:

LogGameMode:Warning: No GameStateClass was specified in BlocksGameMode_7 (BlocksGameMode)

Even tough just a couple of lines above that warning, I see my own log:


So the custom GameMode constructor definitely run, but I still have no custom GameState class.

The reason why I discovered this warning in the first place was because the constructor of my custom Game State never seems to run. No logs I put into the constructor are printed. Despite this I’m able to call and log other custom methods of my GameState. It’s very strange. Any ideas?

Well, looks like I mistakenly subclassed AActor instead of AGameState…