Hi All,
Using Unreal studio 4.19 (using Google VR plugin) it appears there is no “FXAA” or “temporal AA” working on Android.
(I’m testing on Redmi 4, using Adreno 505, OS: MIUI, based on Android 6.0.1)
I can only get AA when using the expensive Mobile HDR with 2x,4x or 8x MSAA.
Switching on/off “FXAA” or “temporal AA” in this situation has no effect in Android (visually or on fps).
For a cheaper mobile AA solution i’ve been trying to get only “FXAA” or “Temporal AA“ to work with no Mobile HDR:
Project settings > rendering > Mobile > Mobile HDR = off / No MSAA
Project settings > rendering > default settings > AA method: FXAA or Temporal AA
Project settings > rendering > forward renderer > forward shading: On or Off (makes no difference visually or to fps)
Project settings > Android > Build > Arm 64
Project settings > Android > Build > ES2 or ES3.1 (makes no difference visually or to fps)
r.PostProcessAAQuality=6 (set via DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini)
Other existing values:
sg.AntiAliasingQuality = “3”
sg.AntiAliasingQuality.NumLevels = “5”
sg.ResolutionQuality = “100”
Essentially when using “FXAA” or ”Temporal AA” with any r.PostProcessAAQuality value the result is identical to Anti-Aliasing Method = “None”
I hope I’m missing something here as the even the 2x MSAA halves my frame rate on mobile down to 20fps yet my test scene is an empty shell of a room with basic textures!
Any pointers, much appreciated!!!
Graham Macfarlane