Player blocks Enemy, and Enemy blocks Player. Both are set up to generate hit events.
But this does not generate hit events at all. No events are fired on neither Player or Enemy - except for maybe once in a hundred collissions.
The only way to get the collissions to work is to enable ‘Simulate Physics’ on the Capsule/Enemy but that interferes with movement, and according to the documentation it should not be necessary to do so.
This has to be a bug? I have read that others have the same problem, but I have not seen an answer - I read that this was a known bug in 4.8 that has since been fixed - well, the bug is back…
I have tried to enable CCD and everything else I can think of, but nothing works.
Well first off…if you wanted overlap events to works, you need Overlap collision and Generate Overlap Events checked. My collisions work just fine in 4.11 and have been since 4.6. I do not need to turn on Physics.
If you are wanting Hit Events to work with Blocking Collisions you need to enable Simulation Generates Hit Events, which you have, and then use the Event Hit node.
Thank you for your comment.
This is about hit events, not overlaps.
I use blocking on both Enemy and Player, and I have checked Simulation generates hit events.
OnComponentHit is just never called on either component unless I enable physics.
I’d like to look into your specific setup. Could you please zip up your project, or a test project with the same setup and provide a link to Dropbox where I can download it? You can PM me a link on the forums:
I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.
The problem still exists, but I got around it by using overlap events instead of hit events.
To recreate:
Create a vive character. Set up collisions as in the first image. (on a box used as a weapon)
Create another character. Set up collisions as in the second image. (on the capsule)
When the capsule moves, I can hit it. When the capsule stands still, I can’t. No hit events are fired.
If I simulate physics on the capsule while it stands still, I can hit it just fine.
I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue on our end.
As a result, I’d like to look into your specific setup. Could you please zip up your project, or a test project with the same setup and provide a link to Dropbox where I can download it? You can PM me a link on the forums:
In my experience, it is better to use overlaps when working with characters, as hit events that are generated without the use of a physics simulation do not produce results that are as consistent as what you’d see using overlaps. It sounds like overlaps would be a better choice for what you’re looking to set up.
Overlap definitely works, but it does not provide HitPoints or Hit normals,
The attribute “Sweep Result” is provided but all Points and Normals are Zero.
There is definitely something wrong here
Note : Hit event will be triggered only if the Capsule is the Root component.
Which is still wrong
This issue still exists within 5.x versions of the engine. It appears to be a defect that hit events are only triggered when full physics simulation is enabled for at least one of the colliding objects.
Specifically Physics > Simulate Physics, Setting the Collision > Simulation Generates Hit Events to true has no effect when Physics > Simulate Physics is disabled.
As far as i can tell, the only way to get collision hit events without either objects transforms being affected is to either lock the object, at which point they can never move if attached to another object.