Hi. I want to add an audio component to the blueprint - but there is no static lighting selection. Why is this and how do I select static lighting?
Hey there @Stop-TussiN! This is actually the first time I’ve seen a blueprint without any option to have the lights be movable! In your project settings, do you have “Enable Static Lighting” turned off?
I have this option enabled. When I put a light just on the map - I have a choice of static lighting. But in Blueprint, I don’t
This limitation in mobility tends to come from the parent component, you cant have a static light attached to something which has mobility. I recommend checking the parent components up the tree to see if they are set to static.
I had believed that as well, but after making a BP that was static/stationary at it’s root it still didn’t end up restricting the choice (though I think it retains it’s parent’s mobility type regardless of visual) at least in 5.1. Though can’t verify C++ classes that are set to that however. Though I’d verify that and recompile just in case!
Yup, I tried acouple of tests to try to limit the mobility in BP and have the same results (5.1 & 5.2)! its difficult because the parent actor is cut from the image so is the hierarchy above the component. I suspect you are correct with the assumption that its C++ limiting the selection in BP, Ive only seen mobility options greyed in UE4 not completely removed.
There is an option in PrimitiveComponent, bStaticWhenNotMoveable Im not sure if its possible that this button can be unclicked. I would assume not but there definitely seems to be slate code for not showing all the options, leads me to believe not a bug but perhaps not expected behaviour
Update: I tried subclassing a BP set to moveable and got this limited option. You’ll have to check the parent actors moveability @Stop-TussiN
Ahhh the base class at the top of inheritance can’t be able to change. That makes more sense, awesome work!