I am able to get Ambient Occlusion in Editor.
But When I packaged in Android,It does not contain Ambient Occlusion.
Is there any setting for it?
I had attached Project Settings.
[link text][3]
I am able to get Ambient Occlusion in Editor.
But When I packaged in Android,It does not contain Ambient Occlusion.
Is there any setting for it?
I had attached Project Settings.
[link text][3]
AO is not supported by Android/iOS by Materials nor by Post Proccess.
-For Materials : Try AO map for FAKING AO effects
-For Enviroment :
- Use Materials with BAKED AO on BaseColor (or mixing on Material)
-Use AMBIENT OCCLUSION for Baking Lighmass
Cheers! Count as an answer
Any Update on this issues on the new version at this moment is 4.20.3?