Nigara texture sample sprite flicker problem

I made this with reference to the Example Content. In fact, I found that the effect in the Example Content also has the same problem. After trying, I found that this problem is related to the camera direction, so I think it may be a problem in rendering. Does anyone know how to solve it?

Maybe I should use the console to change a parameter. Can someone give me some suggestions?

Hi Alex,

Did you lock the sprite rotation in on direction?(default orientation is camera aligned)

I checked the content example(4.27) for sure but didn’t find this artifact!! can you address me where you find this effect in CExample?

Your emitter setup is look ok based on image . . . but something odd is happening in final result, the emission and pattern are changing based on the camera distance and angle !!! I want to check your material setup for the sprite before anything . . .

and one more thing, is it possible to capture closer look of your particle grid?

I didn’t lock the sprite rotation, I think it may be a problem with rendering.
The effect is in this content.

I uploaded the test file, you can download it. (1.3 MB)

Sure this kind of glitches are caused by rendering side and in these flickerish cases AntiAliasing methods are not working as expected . . . but as a user we can tweak things to get rid of these flickers :slight_smile:

  1. First of all I must mention that you have to spawn particles once, in your case you defined very small lifetime (0.2 sec I believe), the thing is you’re spawning and killing particles constantly over and over again! small amount of delay will make subtle flicker at first.

  2. Another thing is happening in material side, You are using procedural data for creating sprite mask, basically the data that used here has the highest possible quality, but they doesn’t support mipmap !!! so in distance these thing’s are razor sharp in term of quality and it cause flicker again.(it is totally usual.)
    Simple solution is we can use textures for masks and the textures will get blurry in distance and noise will killed automatically.

    feel free to use this texture :

  3. In your case, using texture based sprite is not solve all of flickers, so in Niagara side we can do some tricks, in close distance to the emitter everything was fine but in distance flickers became visible, so one solution is to scale up the sprites slightly when camera get further away.(you can also reduce the amount of particles at same time)

  4. It’s not related to you problem but I checked your emitter and I find out your kill condition is not work proper !! all the time you are spawning 40.000 particle !!! :smiley:
    When you design kill conditions, I recommend turn on the wireframe mode to see your code is working or not.

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Thank you for your reply. It really helps and solves my problem :smiley: