Nigara component replicate twice and stop replicate..

i’m having a problem on my multiplyae game, everything seem to work but one thing doesn’t.

When i jump, my character leave a trail behind with limited lifetime. It’s a gingerbread man that leave some flour behind him everytime he jump to be precise.

When i launch the game everything goes great with the client character viewed from the server window, BUT when i play the server character window, after 2 jumps, the niagara particles won’t spawn viewed from the client window despite the fact that they do in the server window…

Here is the setup

Am i doing somthing wrong ?

Thanks !

So i found the solution myself if anyone is having same issue !

I just figured there is inputs in events and plugin values inside or even the capsule component solve the problem and it replicate ! Awesome

If you are using character movement component (CMC) from the first or third person template, then this approach is wrong.

CMC works via client-side prediction. This basically means the client does the move and then the server does the move.

Input Jump → Client Jumps → RPC server to Jump.
Server Jumps.

No need for a multicast. Actions of the server will replicate to all SIMS.

Also, Servers should not execute particles/sounds etc. FX are for Clients.

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