Disabled dependency on the HairStrands plugin for Niagara Fluids. Old assets may now fail to run properly without manually enabling the HairStrands plugin for access to the NiagaraDataInterfacePhysicsAsset class.
I’m using the HairStrands plugin and after migrating to Unreal 5.1 from 5.0, my project fails to compile. I’m getting a message that the header NiagaraDataInterfacePhysicsAsset.h, included in the file GroomComponent.h in the HairStrands plugin, was not found.
I could find that exact file in Plugins/FX/Niagara/Source/Niagara/Classes. What should I do to be able to run my project? Everything I’ve tried so far has failed and there is no info on the internet other than the release note. What does “Manually enabling the HairStrands plugin for access (…)” mean? What can I do?