Niagara variables acros modules? How did they did it?

There is agood content example from niagara advance. Follow the leader. I unerstand evrything, but only one thing doesn work. How did they managed to create and transfer LeaderID between modules, and how niagara knows which index tu use?
I was shure i have to create ID and call it is not visible in modules.

I haven’t checked out that specific Niagara example, but it just looks like a “Particle ID” Particle attribute.
Particle’s attributed are stored directly on the particles, the first module in the screenshot is setting it, while the second one is just fetching it. The two modules are not actually communicating, they are only storing and reading an attribute, to make it work the attribute needs to have the same name, in this case is “Leader ID”

i will answer for myself. Yes, as OhBriz mentioned they have to be ONE name.