Thanks @3dRaven - It is getting weirder… your GameCharacter doesnt work for me if I edit the default blueprint from the content browser… but it DOES work if I drag an instance of the blueprint into the scene!!! My other actor also works if dragged into the scene.
So the issue is you cant edit the User Parameter on a Niagara System Component created in c++ on the Blueprint class.
But you can edit edit the User Parameter on a Niagara System Component created in BP on the Blueprint class !
And you can edit the User Parameter on a Niagara System Component created in c++ on the Blueprint in the scene!
@3dRaven If possible, can you verify editing the component defaults in the blueprint class from the Content Browser doesnt work for you?
[edit] Even weirder, I can right-click copy the broken User Parameters and they are there. It looks like the drop-down arrow must be broken somehow when editing the class default version.
As you can see the class defaults pick up the custom niagara component’s parameters and can even be edited and remembered. (overwrote the yellow with a new color to test it, if I revert to default it returns to the particle’s yellow color)
Maybe some stale data cache is causing some problems? Try deleting the temp dirs and recompiling.