Niagara UNiagaraDataInterface : how to implement a new Data Interface

Hi gurus,

for VFX purpose I want to link particles to a live data (comming from audio capture). How to do that? I look around UNiagaraDataInterface, trying to create my own UNiagaraDataInterfaceCurve to be dynamic (UNiagaraDataInterfaceCurve use a Curve but it is not dynamic, you can’t only import a curve at a specific time (user action)).
I have a plugin that is able to update a curve in real-time (from audio capture), but I can’t use it with Niagara to drive some particle attributes (color, size, etc…).

It is more or less like UNiagaraDataInterfaceAudioOscilloscope, unfortunately, UNiagaraDataInterfaceAudioOscilloscope use a USoundSubmix that is “static” (data already there).


Finally I solve my problem :slight_smile:

Using UNiagaraDataInterfaceAudioOscilloscope as example is the best solution.

You can find my updated version of the WindowsAudioCapture Plugin on GitHub - mattf06/WAC: UE4 Visualization Plugin - Windows Audio Capture (WAC) is an Unreal Engine 4 and a demo project on GitHub - mattf06/LiveAudioReact: LiveAudioReact is a sample UE4 project using the enhanced Windows with some videos as example.

Sorry,I’m not an artist just a developer :wink:

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