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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Fixed Bounds does not work correctly with VFX Powerup Device while it works well with placed VFX. Potential Culling or Bound Box calculation problem preventing from Island Publication due to main feature not working as intended.
Steps to Reproduce
Repro steps:
- Create new “Blank” project
- Create new Niagara System “NS_CullingTest” based on a “SingleLoopingParticle” template
- Inside NS_CullingTest:
3.1 delate Sprite Renderer
3.2 add Mesh Renderer
3.3 set Mesh Renderer Mesh index[0] from ‘S_Gnomon’ to ‘Cylinder’
3.4 in Initialize Particle module set Sprite Size Mode To Unset
3.5 in Initialize Particle module set Mesh Scale Mode To Non-Uniform (200, 200, 0.1)
3.6 for the system set Fixed Bounds to true, Min:(-12000, -12000, 0), Max:(12000, 12000, 100)
3.7 for the Emitter set Local Space = true
3.8 Enable Bounds preview - notice that bounds fully encapsulate the particle
3.9 Bug will happen regardless of Sim Target Emitter setting (GPU and CPU) - add “Control: Third Person” device to the world
4.1 Make sure that Facing “Direction” = Movement and “Add to Players on Start” = true
4.2 (optional)you can increase movement speed to 2 for the ease of testing - add "Camera: Fixed Angle: device to the world
5.1 set FoV =120.0
5.2 set Distance = 14000.0
5.3 set Angle Pitch = -65.0
5.4 set Angle Yaw = 45.0
5.5 set Offset Z = 100.0
5.6 make sure that Add to Players on Start = true - add VFX Powerup to the world
6.1 set Infinite Effect Duration = true
6.2 set Time to Respawn = 0.0
6.3 set Visual Effect = Custom Effect
6.4 set Custom Effect to “NS_CullingTest”
6.5 set Custom Effect Socket = base
6.6 set Spawn On Minigame Start = false
6.7 make sure that Team Relation Visibility = Everyone
6.8 make sure that Is Effect Visible To Local Player = true
6.9 make sure that Apply To = Player
6.10 plug Pickup event to “Player 1 Spawn Pad” and “Player 2 Spawn Pad” and choose On Player Spawned as instigating event
6.11 make sure the VFX device is out of players reach (world location Z = 1000.0) - Copy existing Grid planes to make sure that you have enough space to walk and test (8x8 elements grid should suffice)
- Plane NS_CullingTest system on the edge of the map
- Launch a Session
- Join with 2nd player
- Start Game
- Notice that when you go further apart Only a local player sees their NS_CullingTest particle
- Notice that other players particle disappears closer to the edge even though player is still visible
- Notice that for one player both of particles can be visible in some scenarios while for the other only owned particle is visible
- Notice that placed on the map NS_CullingTest is always visible and bounds volume works well for it regardless of the angle or position of camera
Expected Result
VFX applied with VFX Powerup should be visible from any angle for every player as long as bounding box remains within camera frustrum.
Observed Result
VFX applied with VFX Powerup disappears in some conditions while VFX placed normally on the map is always visible.
Island Code
Additional Notes
I’m not 100% sure but the bug was not present while starting this map production and might have been introduced while fixing joining mid progress vfx invisibility bug.