I added the “Grid3D_FLIP_Pool” to an empty level in an empty project and it worked perfectly and as expected. However, it won’t compile when added it to an existing project: many of the errors are “zero attributes defined on grid”, which I can’t figure out how to fix. The message seems explicit in content but means little to me. Searching for this error on this forum and via Google has proved fruitless. Any suggestions welcome. Screenshot included below.
Hi @HughWN
Let’s see…
Check Assets: Ensure all assets required for Grid3D_FLIP_Pool are properly imported and not corrupted.
Clean Rebuild: Delete the Intermediate and Saved folders, and rebuild the project to erase any prior data
Blueprint or Code Check: Double-check that the grid object and its attributes are correctly initialized in the Blueprint or C++ code.
Plugins/Modules: Double-check that any required plugins or modules are active in the current project (by navigating to Edit > Plugins)
Configuration Files: Find any absent or incorrectly configured configuration files the asset depends upon.
Compatibility: Make certain the asset is compatible with the version of Unreal Engine you’re using.
Log Files: Review the Output Log for more detailed error data in an attempt to locate the issue.
New Level Test: Try plugging the asset into a new level within the current project in a attempt to isolate the issue
Thank you. That reduced the number of compile errors to two of the same type, “Variable Grid3D_FLIP_FluidControl_Emitter.GridCentrePosition was defined both as a position and vector, please check your modules and linked values for compatibility”. These are down to System Spawn and System Update for the asset, with a tooltip “Grid 3D Create Unit to World Transform - Issue - Version upgrade note” for the System.
Drilling-down into the Fluid Control Emitter shows warnings against Temporary Grid that relate to Uncategised inputs. I’m not sure how to force these how to re-initialise these.
Hi @HWNeve, it looks like you have a script that is trying to set emitter values that are read-only. I would click on this error to see where exactly it’s occurring. If it’s an engine module causing this, it’s out of date and you will need to find a replacement module or create a version of it with the errors fixed.
You also have this separate error- “… was defined both as a position and vector.” I suspect this will go away once you clear the other errors. It looks like the value is being forcibly set as the wrong type.