Niagara skeletal mesh how to add forces or velocity?

hi guys
I’m having trouble using the initialize mesh reproduction sprite and the update mesh reproduction sprite. For some reason when I have them, I get particles spawning on the skeletal mesh, but I cant get the particles to be affected by add velocity or gravity(they just stick to the character) .
how can I fix this?


In the Initialize mesh reproduction sprite module, each particle will choose a random triangle and sample its data (normal, position, …). In the update mesh reproduction sprite module, the particles will sample the new data from the same triangle each frame to be able to “follow” the skeleton.

When Overwrite Intrinsic Variable is checked, the particle Position, Velocity, Alignment, etc is overwritten by the triangle data each frame so you get the behavior you are describing.

So you can either

  1. Not use the update mesh reproduction sprite module
  2. Keep the module but uncheck Overwrite Intrinsic Variable and you can still use the skeleton data from the module if you want.

Quick tip : the Eye icon on the top right of the module detail panel allow you to see what parameters are read and written by the module