Niagara particles phases around its position on update

Hello there, im having difficulty with behaviour of Niagara particles.
Im spawning particles one time with infinite loop duration in a grid, exporting the particle positions once and than updating their positions by passing this array back in Niagara on tick.
This however causes the particles “shake/phase” around their locations, i also tried MassEntity fw in unreal in the past and i remember there was similar issue except much less frequent.

Surprisingly this seems to be related to amount of particles im spawning in Niagara.
Grid 22x23 (506) particle updates work normal for single BP and Niagara System, 23x23 (529) it starts phasing like in image and adding even more keeps the phasing behaviour. Also having multiple instances of the BP and Niagara System with the 22x23 grid in level is not phasing.
Is there some limitation in Niagara or maybe related to my machine hw, that could cause this?

Was able to figure it out after all. The problem was that i was using the execution index to find the location of the particle in the array.
Unfortunately it seems that Niagara shuffles its execution indexes each frame, so that was not correct value to use. The particles ended up in correct positions in the end, but were “shuffling” also, which created the mentioned “phasing” behaviour.

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