Niagara Particle kill on collision

I have a rain particle, I need it to kill the particles that collide that way the rain doesn’t come through the ceiling.

I’m currently struggling with this thing, have you found a solution yet?

yeah I have the same problem.!

I managed to solve this by writing the worlds simplest Niagara Module. I then set the “Kill” bool to “Particles.HasCollided”, which is a builtin var.


thank you for the response. That’s alot simpler than anther method I found online.
The method I found was, Setting the particle lifetime over a range and using Particles.HasCollided as the alpha. then let the Update Age module proceed with the slaughter.
thank you again. I’m very new to this, learning all the time.!

Just found another solution, that works for me.
I aged particles out of life with Advanced Aging Rate


you can simply take the particle kill module and link it with “hasCollid” it will check if particle colliding will kill.