[Niagara]how to scale Mesh Particle?

Perhaps I’m crazy, but I’m completely confused about how to scale mesh particles in Niagara.
If you set the scale, the previously displayed mesh will disappear.

I also found a forum like this, but my editor didn’t have an item called mesh attribute.
4.26 Particles Scale Mesh Size modules bug? - #7 by jjanseok
I know it’s a completely crazy question, but can anyone help me?

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Did you actually solve this issue? im starting messing with niagara and this is happening to me as well

This scales the size with a factor using Particles.Initial.Scale - if you didn’t set that in the spawn script then it’s scaling a zero value.
You can always check what variable the renderer is using for the size by looking at the bindings and then set that variable directly or use another variable.