Niagara GPU particles and High Resolution render via Render movie queue

Hey guys!
I’ve trying to render high resolution with Niagara GPU particles. resolution something like 12000x1000px, in Render queue I’m adding “High resolution” option.
As a result, I see that the particles are displayed not on the entire screen, but on a small area, some kind of bounding box I guess. Similar issue when Niagara particles root not in Camera View.

If CPU enable in Sim target. everything work great. but when I switch to GPU, this issue appear when render, also I tried to increase dramatically bounding box for GPU, didn’t help -(

Maybe there is a way to cache particles?

If somebody know how to fix this I would be grateful to hear.

I found a solution for my case, if collision is enabled then I have to enable GPU distance field and
extend GPU bounding box then everything works as it should.