Niagara Fluids particle system not being affected by Exponential Height Fog

I’ve placed a Niagara System into my level, it’s essentially the default “Grid 3D Moving Grid Fire” system with a decreased Dissipation Rate Density. It seems to not interact at all with the fog in the scene. Fog in the scene is provided by an Exponential Height Fog, I’ve cranked up the settings to demonstrate the issue more clearly. This is happening with Volumetric Fog enabled and disabled.

I’m unsure if this is a bug, or if Niagara Fluids simply don’t support this yet, or if there’s some option in the Niagara System I need to enable to have it interact with the Volumetric Fog. Any help here is appreciated, thanks!

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Update: I was able to get the smoke to receive light from regular lights and could kind of fudge the lighting (not sure I’ll keep it but wanted to do some further digging). This leads me to think that Niagara Fluid gas emitters don’t have support for receiving light from indirect sources such as fog and skylights, is that correct? Again, any clarification is appreciated.

I’m thinking about the use of Niagara Fluids for the same issue.

Based on Unreal 5.3 I understand that this problem is still unresolved Please let me know if anyone knows how to solve it!

It looks like the problem was fixed in UE5.4. There I no longer see such problems.