Niagara fluids over large area advice

I am attempting to use Niagara fluids as tire smoke for a drifting car, and want to know if there is a good approach for doing that over a large area while keeping the quality high and while having the fluid be able to maybe leave the bounding box and be more world position based.

I originally tried to attach the sim to the car it works but does not look that real as the smoke follows the car and stays with in the bounds and does not really position it self in the world.

I am now thinking of placing several of the system bonds in the world while attached to the car but using Absolute Location and rotation so as the car passing through the bounds the emitter spawns the sim, then caching each system in the sequencer one by one.

i have about 1 mile of road so this would take a while.

This is the particle system setup i am using.


Solved in a way. The process that worked was to create a bound where I needed it, then cache the simulation just for that duration in the timeline.

If you do this, make sure you don’t cache too much extra time where the emitter is not within the bounds. Adjust your timeline’s start and end points to be precise; this is crucial, especially if you have a long sequence, as it will otherwise crash.

Once you have a partial cache, you can then save that fluid simulation cache as a file, place it in your scene wherever you want, and use the same simulation for multiple locations or actions if they align. This is what I did to avoid creating numerous cache files.

This process is not documented yet, but it is covered in this Dev forum tutorial here.
Caching Sim Guide

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