Niagara and cascade modules not found on the server

Hello guys,
We’ve been trying to make a multiplayer game with particle emitters but we’re having this errors, while launching our dedicated server (using the project .sln in VS2019 and ue 4.26 from the release branch) :

" [2021.01.15-13.17.59:230][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer SpawnScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_0

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:232][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer SpawnScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceVectorCurve_0

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:232][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer UpdateScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_0

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:233][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer UpdateScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_1

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:234][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer UpdateScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceVectorCurve_0

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:235][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer UpdateScript to create NiagaraDataInterfaceVectorCurve_1

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:236][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Could not find outer Particle_Emitter_0 to create NiagaraSpriteRendererProperties_0

[2021.01.15-13.17.59:288][ 0]LogNiagara: Warning: NiagaraSystem /Game/Particles/VolumetricFOG/P_FogCloud_introPt5_Converted.P_FogCloud_introPt5_Converted IsReadyToRunInternal() failed due to missing SystemScript. Spawn[] Update[] "

Thanks in advance,

Hey did you find a solution ? My game is working fine but these errors are annoying

I think only in 4.26 … someone already tried in 4.27 … this error consumes a lot of memory on the server … what has to do with the server with the particles?. a clean 1-particle design also gives this error.

Posted this issue also to the forums [Server Error] Could not find outer ParticleModule

You mean 4.27 not having this error?
I just upgraded it to 4.26 from 4.25. In 4.25 it was working perfectly.