Hello there, i’m Spikebor- an effect artist just jumped from Unity.I’m learning Cascade with the Example project, and have several questions about it.
1 - What make some of my particle emitter that have Spawn event on Collision spawn repeatly, but only this one emitter only spawn once and dip.
2 - Where is the parameter to control how far a particle system will be faded / clipped
3 - Why the lighting in this scene is gradually increased in play mode ?
Is there another particle system that spawns only once and stops? The one in the video spawns repeatedly, though it looks like each spawn is triggered by the former’s collision with the floor.
[USER=“1467113”]Tien Cuong[/USER], switch over to Niagara and re-do the entire particle system. If Cascade is deprecated and removed, it’ll require doing so…hence, it is better to not waste time. As for the lighting increasing in Play Mode, it sounds like Auto Exposure is set to defaults that result in the scene transitioning to overly bright based on Min/Max and Exposure Compensation, and Speed. To prevent the brightening, set Min/Max to the same number value (0 or 1, or -1 often works, but it depends on the other lighting settings…so try different same-value pairs). Set the Exposure Compensation to 0, or within about 2 or 3 of it I think (might need to try different values for that too).