Hm, seems like you can also export the whole video. I just made a highlight because i wanted to cut off the beginning where i setup the sound and everything.
If you want to upload the whole stream, open that recorded stream as you want to watch it. When logged in, at the bottom of the video you can find
a small “gear” symbole. Click on it and then you can see “Export” which will open a small window to type in a name etc.
And you need to connect your youtube account to your twitch account before by going into your account settings -> Connections and connecting youtube (if you haven’t already done this).
I hope that helps :X
PS: Also, i can recommend you the site “”. You can create timers with 7 visible timezones and copy the picture into your thread which gets updated when the user
updates the thread site.
That timer is awesome and will definitely be what I use from now on! That is the export feature I used, maybe I need to try it again? I’ll do that tonight and see what happens. If it doesn’t work I’ll email twitch to see what is going on with that.
We have some pretty awesome stuff in store tonight, come out and join the fun!
The kept linking me to an image instead of the actual countdown, I’ll mess with it later to see what I was doing wrong. Probably something really dumb on my part -_-.
Also, here is what we’re going to be working on tonight with steps to complete, just in case anyone can decipher my scatterbrained notes and wants to throw this together for themselves! I’m posting here so that I don’t forget the steps taken to recreate it as this was a pretty detailed setup.
Steps to create randomized movement on Platforms
In Platform:
Static Mesh
Create two vector variables> Original Loc and Offset, make offset editable
Event Begin Play>Set Original Loc to “Get Actor Location (self)”
Custom Event>MoveMe
A and B go to different Sequence Nodes
two Gate Nodes. A “Then 0” plugs into second gate close, “Then 1” plugs into first gate Open. B “Then 0” plugs into first gate close, “Then 1” into second gate open.
Event Tick>Sequence, “Then 0” into first gate Enter, “Then 1” second gate enter.
Two Set Actor Location nodes, one behind each gate.
a. First Set actor location vector =
Current: Get Actor Location (self)
Target: Original Location + Offset
Delta Time: Get World Delta Seconds
Interp Speed: SumNum
b. Second Set actor location vector =
Current: Get Actor Location (self)
Target: Original Location
Delta Time: Get World Delta Seconds
Interp Speed: SumNum
In Platform Move
Box collision
Create these vars > Float Array (Name:TimerAmount)(editable)(3 elements: 1.0,2.0,3.0), Int (Name: Current Timer Group), Actor Array (name: Contained Actors), Int Array (Name:TimerGroupMatched), Int (Name: MoveBackGroup)
Event Begin Play>Set Contained Platforms
Contained Platforms set to “Get Overlapping Actors”
Target is “Box”
Get array length
Resize Array “Timer Group Matched”, size = Contained Platforms Length
Foreachloop, array = contained platforms
LoopBody exec pin > Set array Elem
Timer Group matched > Target Array
10.Index = Foreachloop index
11.Item = Random Int in Range. Min = 0, Max = Length of array (timer amount) minus 1
Completed exec pin>Set timer
Function Name: MovePlatforms
Delay node
Duration = MovePlatforms Timer (Time) value
Set Timer Node
Function Name: MoveBack
Time: MovePlatforms Timer (Time) value
Looping: True
Custom Event: MovePlatforms
Array: Timer Group Matched
Loop body exec pin> branch
True if Array Element == Current Timer Group
True Exec Pin>Cast to Platform
Object Pin: Get Contained Platforms Array, index set to Foreachloop array index
Call Function: MoveMe
Completed exec pin>Set Current Timer Group
Current Timer Group: Current Timer Group + 1
Branch node
Condition: Current Timer Group > Timer Amount Length minus 1
True: Set Current Timer Group
Current Timer Group: 0
Custom Event: MoveBack
Copy all steps from MovePlatforms function and paste them into MoveBack function
Compile, save, close blueprints, place collision box in level, resize to fit multiple platforms
Place multiple platforms in move box, event begin play.
Thank you for doing the tutorial on the moving platforms; it was what I was looking for.
Did you figure out if it was a glitch or if you didn’t have something connected right that the boxes stayed going up?
With the caveat that I could be horribly wrong, I THINK the problem I have is that it is using world delta instead of a timeline to run the Vinterp delta. Because delta world seconds runs on a 0-1 scale instead of constantly ticking upwards, it does a weird hard reset on the Vinterp which is causing the upwards movement. I’m going to play with it more and see if I can figure out what is going on with that. Unfortunately I have no immediate plans for the streams, but I’ll come up with something, even if it is fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants week ;).
Next stream is tonight, same bat time, same bat channel. I have 0 plans tonight so who knows what we’re going to do! I’m sure I’ll come up with something in the meantime.
Good News everyone! I got in touch with the support team at twitch and found out what was going on with the videos. I am now in the process of moving those that are still on my page to youtube so they will be available to a larger audience! If the link doesn’t work go to youtube and look up unreal_zombiebear and you should be able to find them!
Hey Adam, i got a problem with my export now too. Although i already exported 2 videos with 1:30h and 1:59h length, the export fails.
I changed to use 15min Videos and also tried to adjust the Title etc (maybe too long or characters that are not supported by youtube).
But it still fails. What did the Twitch Support Team tell you to do and how did you get in contact with them? I opened up a question but
doesn’t seem to get any response there
I went to the help section and hit “Report a bug”. They ended up contacting me via email to discuss. I’ll post the questions he asked me and then his later response:
Try using the “Report a bug” feature. I ended up getting a reply about 24 hours after I emailed, afterwards the interaction was fairly quick.
That answer sounds good. my video is 3:15h long. I will create 2 highlights, so that they are shorter. If this is still bugging around i will try to find the report button.
Thanks Adam! (:
Sadly, no stream tonight. I have a walk-through of the house I’m going to be renting and the only day the landlord can do it is today. We will be meeting this friday and next wednesday (next friday is the start of my move so none that day either). Sorry for the inconvenience everyone!
I know you have been busy but just wanted to check if you were going to add your last few tutorials to youtube.
I usually download your tutorials to watch again when I am somewhere without Wifi.