I think the only one that hasn’t been uploaded is the most recent one from last friday. Having said that, I’ll take a look and make sure they all get uploaded. Everyone who can should come out tonight, will be some blueprints and I might try to do some 3d modelling if you want a good laugh at someone who really has no clue what they are doing with blender.
Tonight at 8pm we’re going to be fleshing out more of the DnD system from last week and maybe some other stuff. Come out for blueprint fun!
8pm tonight bring your blueprint questions! I’ll answer what I can and make stuff in the meantime.
Tonight at 8pm we’ll be doing more blueprints, it’ll be a surprise for all (me too!) http://
Hey everyone!
We’re going to be having some fun with particle systems and blueprints tonight. I’m posting the texture I’ll be using here so we can get going if you want to create one, too. It isn’t anything fancy, just a bee I found on the interwebs.
Tuned in last night and checked out your stream for a bit (malfate). Cool project, with ton of great progress! I hope that it makes it out to the marketplace and I’ll keep an eye out
Assets and images for tonight’s stream. Should be a ton of fun if we can get it going!
Just subscribed your YT channel and follow on twitch keep up the good work
Thanks Sadaleus!
Updating once more with a better system, it will take a bit more work to set up but I think it’ll be worth
All the images for what we’re working on tonight. Fair warning, my monitor is about to die, so I don’t know how long the stream will last tonight as I need to go buy a new one. We’ll find out for sure though!
Are you recording the videos as well as broadcasting? I’d like to be able to view these but timezones and work get in the way.