In the UE5 release notes, this section describes a new property / feature called Skeleton Compatibility. Does anyone have more details about it and where we can find the documentation about this feature? Is it something that needs to be enabled (if so, where?) or is it automatic?
I was just exploring trying to find this myself and very luckily stumbled upon it! go to window → Asset details and you’ll find an array of compatible skeletons.
Speaking of hidden gems that are easily missed, you will want to see the retarget options found by pressing “show retargeting options” after pressing the cog in the "skeleton tree " window!! You will certainly want to adjust those settings if you’re playing with different proportioned skeletons.
Thanks this often works, which is a great time saver.
But sometime an animation that works and looks good on a skeleton mesh will cause geometry warping in another skeleton mesh.
samurai (good)