IK Retarget Issues with Upper Body (Mixamo X Bot -> UE5 Manny)

Thank you, how would you have the UE4 Mannequin or Mixamo X Bot have the A Pose instead of the other way around. So I tried to go back into XBot and made a new T Pose right inside the IK Retargeter editor, afterwards I tested the crouch cover transitions, and they work.

The rest still don’t, haven’t made progress on UE4’s Mannequin yet. Tried giving UE5’s Manny the same pose as X Bot, still hasn’t worked.

If the issue is with the binding pose like you said, I’ll try and see if I can make a new binding pose for all three of my skeletons.

On X Bot I made 2 pose assets in the X Bot skeleton in UE5, problem is that the two poses don’t save and now are the same pose, even if I change one it’ll change the other.

In the UE4 to UE5 Mannequin retargeter, I tried playing around with the FK portion in the root and spine, it doesn’t do anything except mess up more of the target skeleton in some of the animations. I changed the source root in UE4’s mannequin to be Root just to see what would happen, doesn’t seem to be a difference either.

Did a bit more tests, went into my SK_Mannequin which is a skeleton and gave them the UE4 Mannequin’s skeleton and X Bot’s skeleton compatibility, the animations from UE4’s Mannequin kind of works while X Bot’s completely doesn’t at all.


Will try translation retargeting in UE5 and see how that goes, if it has something to do with the rotation then maybe I can use AnimationScaled for the animation data in UE5’s mannequin’s upper body.
