The project is simple. I want to get to the point where i can load a level and i will be
sitting inside the cockpit of a plane. I reach out and grab the ON switch and turn the
engine on. The prop will start spinning and engine noises will happen.
I then grab the joy stick with my left hand and push the throttle up with my right
and the plane starts moving… after a set speed the plane lifts off the ground.
i can fly it around for however long and then it ends when i reach down and pull the ejector seat level
which will shoot my character and my seat out of the plane into the air.
I feel like that is about as far as im going to take this project… but im not sure where to start.
I have a plane already made but i am not sure about any of the workflow. I keep looking for tutorials
but there is a surprising lack of information on Vive development and a lack of information on complex vehicle
I am so far at a loss on how to animate the ailerons and make the plane move based on the throttle lever and then
turn based on the position of the joystick.
It sounds like your bigger challenge is learning how to make a functional game.
My advice is to forget about VR for a month and just focus on creating the functionality you’re looking for. Use mouse and keyboard or a gamepad for the time being to control stuff (ie, gamepad joystick mirrors the cockpit joystick).
After you’ve got the player interactions and game response down pretty well, you can add in VR as an additional layer of complexity. Getting the VR interactions working should be relatively straight forward afterwards.
ive done the movement stuff before… i had a full character rigged that moved around with an xbox controller it was relatively straight forward. The character even casted a fireball… had running animations and jump animations and loops… blendspaces… and was able to move from level to level with a predetermined location that teleported her to the new level.
All of that i did in like 2 days. im a fast learner. But while i am interested in the VR aspect of this game i want to develop… i am not even looking into that aspect of it yet… i am doing exactly what you are saying… trying to jsut get the plane i have to move is a challenge right now. It does not react to WASD at all… and if i follow the tutorial documentation about the “buggie jeep” it tells me to set wheels to kinematic but that breaks everything.
Right now i am stuck on getting this plane to even move forward… it has 3 wheels and i dont know if thats causing problems. the wheels kind of “free roam” in any direction as opposed to the typical wheel movement one would expect… such as … moving a vehicle to the left without turning and the tires go end over end in place… as if they were a sphere but dont look like a sphere… all 3 tires do this… and it doesn’t help that my front tires are angled out at like 45 degrees. im assuming that im going to have to compensate for this but i dont know how.
i am looking for the basics… but all i really find tutorials for is “simple car UE4” stuff… like one body and 4 wheels… which i CAN do… i dont need to know how to introduce a car… i need to know how to introduce a car with moving parts… like a tutorial on a car that had an operable door and trunk would be nice… but will it show me how to rig it? do i rig it in the modeler or rig it in UE4… do i build the animations in the modeler… or do i build them in the animBP… how do i make an object on a vehicle interact with another object on the vehicle… such as … turning the engine on with a switch or key… how is that modeled… is it a completely separate mesh that is imported separately or is it ok for the switch to be attached to the original mesh.
im where i need to be in terms of learning the process… i just cant find the correct material to help me learn the steps just past “the basic introduction” type material.
That’s exactly what I’m taking about… Ive done this exact tutorial before That is the most basic tutorial of one body and 4 wheels… I can do that… It doesn’t help me learn how to add doors to the car for example that travel with the car but can be opened… Or a steering wheel that turns with the tires. I don’t need doors on my current project… But just the process of learning how to do that would be helpful
You should not expect a single tutorial to teach you everything you need. Car tutorials naturally focus on what is unique with vehicle setups. Search for a separate tutorial on how to create openable doors.