New non UCLASS crashes on Simulate Play


I am trying to implement STEAM_CALLBACK() macro in my game. I found out that you cannot use the macro with a UCLASS, as it would fail to compile and cause a bunch of errors. So my solution was to have one UCLASS ,which the game reads, and is a inheritance game instance. And then a new non UCLASS which is used to retrieve Steam callbacks and then fire up the game instance’s events. As a very basic start, I just want to detect the Steam Game Overlay, and if it’s enabled, pause the game.

The code below compiles just fine, but the problem I am running into, is that the editor will crash when I start “Simulate” play. And I don’t know why it does that. These changes are the only thing being worked on. It didn’t crash at all before I added the new class FSteamworksCallbackAsync, so I think that the issue is there, but I don’t know why it’s doing that. I tried adding SteamAPI_Init() check, and checking to be sure that the class does have a GameInstance that is of type UMusicalRangeInstance, but I have no luck.

I appreciate any help!

The header File

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "ThirdParty/Steamworks/Steamv132/sdk/public/steam/steam_api.h"
#include "Engine/GameInstance.h"
#include "MusicalRangeInstance.generated.h"

class MUSICALRANGE_API UMusicalRangeInstance : public UGameInstance


	/* test the functionality of the Game Instance */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Game Instance")
	int32 InterLevelPersitentValue;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Steamworks")
	bool IsSteamOverlayActive;

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, category = "Game Instance")
	bool InterLevelPersitentValuePONE();
	* Must be called every frame so callbacks can be received
	* Always Return True!
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, category = "Steamworks")
	bool RunSteamCallbacks();

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Steamworks")
	void OnSteamOverlayIsActive(bool isOverlayActive);

	void SteamOverlayActive();
	void OnSteamOverlayEnabled(GameOverlayActivated_t *pResult, bool bIOFailure);
	CCallResult<UMusicalRangeInstance, GameOverlayActivated_t> m_callResultGameOverlayActive;

class MUSICALRANGE_API FSteamworksCallbackAsync

	STEAM_CALLBACK(FSteamworksCallbackAsync, OnSteamOverlayActive, GameOverlayActivated_t, OnSteamOverlayActiveCallback);


	UMusicalRangeInstance *MusicalRangeGameInstance;


The CPP File
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "MusicalRange.h"
#include "MusicalRangeInstance.h"

//Musical Range Game Instance Elements
bool UMusicalRangeInstance::InterLevelPersitentValuePONE() {
	return true;

bool UMusicalRangeInstance::RunSteamCallbacks() {
	SteamOverlayActive(); //Check for active overlay
	return true;

void UMusicalRangeInstance::SteamOverlayActive() {
	SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = SteamUtils()->IsOverlayEnabled();
	m_callResultGameOverlayActive.Set(hSteamAPICall, this, &UMusicalRangeInstance::OnSteamOverlayEnabled);

void UMusicalRangeInstance::OnSteamOverlayEnabled(GameOverlayActivated_t *pResult, bool bIOFailure) {
	IsSteamOverlayActive = (pResult->m_bActive != 0);

//FSteamworksCallbackAsync elements
FSteamworksCallbackAsync::FSteamworksCallbackAsync() :
	OnSteamOverlayActiveCallback(this, &FSteamworksCallbackAsync::OnSteamOverlayActive)
	if (SteamAPI_Init() && GEngine->GetWorld() != nullptr && GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance() != nullptr)
		MusicalRangeGameInstance = Cast<UMusicalRangeInstance>(GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance());

FSteamworksCallbackAsync::~FSteamworksCallbackAsync() {


void FSteamworksCallbackAsync::OnSteamOverlayActive(GameOverlayActivated_t *CallbackData) {
	if (SteamAPI_Init())
		bool IsOverlayActive = (CallbackData->m_bActive != 0);
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15, FColor::Cyan, IsOverlayActive ? "Overlay is ACTIVE" : "Overlay is OFF");
	} else {
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15, FColor::Red, "Error with SteamAPI" );


It turns out that the issue was not the new class. Instead, I was calling

bool UMusicalRangeInstance::RunSteamCallbacks()

every frame, and after removing it, it didn’t crash on start simulating play. The crash happened by calling SteamOverlayActive() under RunSteamCallbacks().

I took out that function and it ran okay. The crash is no longer happening.

I think I have to do some SteamAPI_Init() checks to prevent from crashing.