while testing out the motion blur in 4.8, which from what I understood should have been able to do a full screen blur from a quick pan etc does not seem to behaving like I would expect it to.
Is this a bug? Is the Motion blur going to be more realistic before 4.8 releases? Or is this just how it works?
It does look very vector blurry on top of everything, edges are very sharp etc.
I added a screen shot where I applied Pixel Motion Blur in AE to the animation I rendered out from Matinee and show a before and after.
Video: - YouTube
Would you mind showing me the post processing settings of the actor you are applying motion blur? If the effect is being applied through a ‘Post Process Volume’ then make sure it is set to unbound and you are not having its priority overridden by your camera actor within the ‘Matinee’. The motion blur seems to be functioning correctly on my end, so check the places I mentioned and see if you may be overlooking something.
I don’t have the scene anymore, it’s part of a test scene that is constantly evolving and changing as I create content for a short project I am building, so I will have to set up a new scene and see what happens.
I however left the settings in the post process volume as they were when I set up that scene and rendered that test. So everything aside from the DOF should be pretty much default. (as I literally had just set the scene up really quickly after installing the first build of 4.8, animated the camera and output the video, so I didn’t have time to set up anything fancy).
I did notice a while back after I initially posted this, that it seemed to be intermittent. As I noticed it pop in and out of happening once or twice.
I’ll post it again if I see it happen again, though we’ve had a new build drop since then, and I haven’t seen it occur in a while. so it might not be a big problem. Or it might only be a proximity to camera issue, or something like that, as something enters the bounding region, or near clipping distance etc.
That scene was really claustrophobic so the camera could have been passing through something as well.