New level created, but publishes on old level.


I had a FFA map, in which i decided to make a new level so i could change the fighting area to tilted towers. I thought if i run memory calc on the new level it would publish it on that level, but it hasn’t. It’s published it on the old one which is broken with bugs and glitches. Can anyone help, on how I can make the new level the one that is the published one?

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Created new map in 2024,
Decided i wanted the fighting area to be tillted towers,
migrated an island with a pre-built tilted towers to the original island,
created it as a new level,
finished new level, ran memory calc on that level, published on that level, but the game on fortnite is published on the old level

Expected Result

would be published on the new level

Observed Result

the game on fortnite is published on the old level



Island Code


Edit your GameFeatureData and make sure the correct level is set there


Thank you so much, you saved me alot of time!