new interface: include not found / base class undefined

Hey guys!
i created a simple new interface ( following the tutorial in the wiki ).
but i can not inherit from it. the compiler cannot find the include file “Usable.h”
Every source file is in the MyGame directory. If i omit the include, the base class if
undefined. i also tried to predeclarate it, but with no success. whats wrong?

// Usable.cpp
#pragma once
#include "Usable.generated.h"

class UUsable :public UInterface

class IUsable
	virtual void OnUsed(AController * user);

// Usable.cpp
#include "MyGame.h"

UUsable::UUsable(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
: Super(PCIP)


void IUsable::OnUsed(AController * user)


// Crate.h
#pragma once
#include "Usable.h"
#include "Crate.generated.h"

class ACrate : public AActor, public IUsable

	virtual void OnUsed(AController* c) OVERRIDE;

Solved it. The files were in the wrong directory.
Hint to myself:
If you create files in Visual Studio, make sure they are created in the right directory!

Note: I ran into the problem of
‘UInterface’: base class undefined
The undocumented solution for 4.26 was to go to the top of your interface header file and add:

#include "UObject/Interface.h"