Can someone tell me the difference between using FInputActionValue& and FInputActionInstance& when writing handlers for the new input system? I’m seeing people use both and would like to know when I’d use which.
Hey did you ever get some clarity on this? I am also currently using both, I’m not sure if one deprecates the other because they appear to return more or less the same data.
If you only need key press information you can use FInputActionValue.
If you need to access timers (such as key press time) along with the FInputActionValue, you can use FInputActionInstance. Both signatures are valid according to header file:
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FEnhancedInputActionHandlerValueSignature, const FInputActionValue&);
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FEnhancedInputActionHandlerInstanceSignature, const FInputActionInstance&);