NEW(3/22/2024) UE5.5+ feedback: Please Invest In Actual PERFORMANCE Innovations Beyond Frame Smearing For Actual GAMES.

“Just” optimizing it

It’s called making LODs for you’re objects and using texture tricks.

I’m talking about thousands of actors

I did a test with 10,000. The GPU was faster rendering 5 million triangles over nanite “crunching” it down to 4000

The result is a better-looking result, likely more performant, and with a shorter development cycle. The horror…

That depends, if you’re game is so unperformant it needs an blurry upscaler, it will look look like smeary pixels when you move the camera(so basically gameplay/all the time). Doesn’t really make sense to say it looks better except when you stop the camera to take a screenshot and use that instance as the promotional images.

like that doesn’t take extra months to development and, likely, less quality of the outcome…

You know what go ahead. If customers don’t like what they see, they will review it for others.

Every UE game that has impressed me performance wise, didn’t use Nanite.

Oh, your test is quite pointless as that’s not a video game

If you don’t like my test go make your own.
If such a huge difference in small test can be seen, what do you expect from a real scene? And stop treating me like I’m the only who did test. (I linked 5 other test by 5 other people)

Go optimize your scene and compare it with the Nanite version.
You’re like everyone else I meet who goes insane and insulting when someone says Nanite isn’t god’s’ gift to rendering meshes.

You have the choice of choosing yourself or your customer’s when you optimize vs slapping on Nanite.

my game hits 60fps even on a GTX 1080 (with proper upscale)

By the 30 series, that card is 20% slower than a 3060. So at 1080p, your game should run 48fps at native 1080p.
If you are hitting above that then good for you and your customers who give you their money.
But you said you’re making a racing game.
Not exactly expecting that to require the maximum amount of resources out of UE5 anyways.

EDIT: As for the time constraints of optimizing and making good looking LODs, I already made a post about an AI workflow that would benefit developers the same why nanite does but also helps gamers because of a performance uplift this would provide.