Never Received an Email to Setup My HyperWallet Account

I just recently filled out everything to get my support a creator code. I have my tax profile verified and my creator code exist, but I can’t use it until I have my Hyperwallet payout account activated. I got an email saying [Action Required] Please activate your Hyperwallet account, but every time I clicked on the link and tried to activate my account it doesn’t work. It just keeps telling me “check your inbox to see if you have received an email to claim your payment and activate your account”. I haven’t received any emails at all in junk, spam, inbox, and all the other folders. I’ve met all the requirements, haven’t misspelled or made mistakes on anything, and I’ve been on both Creative and UEFN everyday. I just need some help on what I can do and if I can get the email to get my creator code.