I’m setting up a multiplayer board game and i’m having some networking issues i’m trying to fully understand. I have a game board blueprint static mesh AActor object in the level that I want to use to trigger custom events to create the players.(the game has no default pawn setup: defaultpawnclass = null) Right now I just have a custom event that prints to the screen but when I PIE with a client only the server triggers the event. I understand that you need an actor that is owned by the client in order to run the RPC.
How do I trigger RPC (run on server) if I don’t have a default pawn? Is there a way to assign the game board to be owned by the client and the server so it triggers the RPC in that blueprint?
I got it working correctly if i assign a default pawn and put the custom event in the custom pawn class but i want to avoid having a default pawn getting created on game startup.
One solution is to make a derived blueprint off the CustomPlayerController since that will have a connected owner, is that a valid solution to add making game pawns in the player controller (it would call game mode functions)?
Originally i wanted the player creation logic in the game mode but since the game mode is only on the server the RPC didn’t trigger through the clients