Networking dash and double jump ability?


Im trying out some things on 3’rd person template - and i’ve been trying to create a dash and a walljump ability via blueprints to work multiplayer-wide. Unfortunately, i cant find any materials nor documentation that may help me create this in blueprints specifically. I can sort of deal with the code, but i cant find any materials to basic networking of the custom movement abilities such as dash even via code. Can somebody help me in that matter? I was able to create only a sprint ability that works on both the client and the server without any kind of lag in blueprints. Basically, i call a function on shift pressed, that changes the character’s speed to certain amount, and when released, changes it back to previous, default value. Then - i call this function on the server, and the same with when i release. So when client clicks shift, the character is sprinting both on client and the server (at least thats what i understand so far). Next up - i tried implementing a dash with the same method, calling a function that launches my character at certain force on vector forward, and after a short delay it stops any kind of movement. I tried calling it the same - both at the client and the server, but it doesnt work.

My question is, is there any way to make it networked, or should i just switch back to unity for developing this kind of things without (yet) any networking experience. I’ve been watching few sessions about basics of networking, but none of them covered custom movement other than just jumping and running. And i wish i knew a way, to implement this correctly. Should i even do this through blueprints, or is it better to code it manually. If so - how? I know only about using charactermovement component, but i cant really understand how it works yet. Does anyone can reccomend me any kind of tutorial covering that topic? Or give me any tip on how to even start with this?

sprint - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
dash - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
dash function - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Have a great day or evening, thanks in advance.