I’ve modified the Shooter Example. My PIE runs fine with a single player, but when I use 2 (single process) the editor crashes when the client exits.
It only happens when it’s the client, and the log complains about one of several things(some pawn, a brush, or a weapon for example).
The error is always “Object from PIE level still referenced. Shortest path from root: (Object is not currently rooted)”.
I don’t have any references to actors stored, and I certainly don’t have any brushes stored away.
I believe this is a bug somehow. Perhaps my character’s replication is doing something weird? Once again, I’m not storing any objects anywhere so I don’t think my replication is the cause.
Anyway, I’ve been unable to figure this out. Any ideas?
I’ve extended the C++ and created my own character (from “ShooterCharacter”), pawn (from “Pawn”) and weapon (from “ShooterWeapon”).
I’m also using blueprints of my classes in the level. For instance, “BP_MyCharacter” to extend the “MyCharacter” class.
Replication settings have generally be copied from the base classes (this is all serving as an applied learning experience for me so I don’t reeeaaallly know how to properly replicate yet). There’s the health, current weapon, ammo, etc… all the things from the Shooter classes.
Thank you for your response, but I should clarify that the crash isn’t always caused by the brushes.
So far the crashes have complained about either the brushes, my weapons, or my pawns.
At first I was confident that I was doing something wrong in my code because crashes complained about my creations. However, when it barked about the brushes I began to think there was something less obvious going wrong.
I realized I was using a non-source project so debugging is only showing me so much. I’m setting up the project in a source build now. I’ll be back with more info.
Unfortunately this is not a real answer. This did however resolve my issue.
I was running my game as a modification of the ShooterGame obtained through the launcher. I decided to compile the source myself so that I’d get full debugging messages.
I no longer receive any crashes when exiting the PIE as a client.
Once again, after migrating my game over to a source build I no longer experienced any crashing from my client’s exiting the PIE.