Hey folks.
For about 2 weeks I’ve been fighting with spawning bullets and their origins not being in the correct place. When calling the “Get Socket Location” node it works fine in Single Player, but gets worse in Listen Server (origins are “a little” off, frequently causing the AI to shoot itself) while on the dedicated server the bullet originates from the feet of whomever is shooting. I’ve made a fairly extensive thread in the forum found here.
Bullet Trajectory Losing Z Value Through Server Replication - Help! - Multiplayer & Networking - Unreal Engine Forums!
Originally I thought that it was just the Z value as it’s the most dramatic, however the problem seems to be exacerbated the further into multiplayer (sp-> Listen → Dedicated) and the further from the origin (0,0,0) the player goes (my most recent post has an X co-ordinate value of 41,625.098 which shouldn’t be a problem for a floating point variable on a 64 bit engine/computer. The original tests had variables in the low to mid 200’s. I’ve done a lot more troubleshooting and number extrapolation in the thread and I’m really hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. Thank you.