Networking and Network Status

Hi, Is there any way to check if a device (any platform or mobiles) connected to internet?.
I used to make request using HTTPS and get if device has internet or not. Is there any better way to handle this.?I went through most of C++ code FPlatformMisc,networks, there are no delegates which have this functionality. There is this one delegate I have came across
FCoreDelegates::OnConnectionChanged() any one has implemented this? How to really check if device is connected to Internet or not. Any help is appreciated.


I am pretty sure that the only way is by making a request using HTTPS. Hope this helps!

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Hi , thanks for the reply. Your right HTTPS request is better way to do it. In FCoreDelegates we have ENetworkConnectionType, ENetworkConnectionStatus. Maybe we can use ENetworkConnectionStatus. Found some delegates regarding IOnlineSubsystem::OnConnectionStatusChanged, need to try this once.
