Network smoothing for Paper Character

Right now I’m having an issue with paper characters.
As a client, other client’s movements are jittery. Their movement stutters appearing to teleport small distances occasionally.

Network smoothing doesn’t appear to have any visual effect what so ever. If my understanding is correct after looking more into the issue network smoothing seems to only apply in the case that there is a mesh, like for standard characters. Heres the file I looked at in the engine when trying to figure out what was wrong.


void UCharacterMovementComponent::SmoothClientPosition_UpdateVisuals()
	FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character* ClientData = GetPredictionData_Client_Character();
	USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh = CharacterOwner->GetMesh();
	if (ClientData && Mesh && !Mesh->IsSimulatingPhysics())
		if (NetworkSmoothingMode == ENetworkSmoothingMode::Linear)
			// Adjust capsule rotation and mesh location. Optimized to trigger only one transform chain update.
			// If we know the rotation is changing that will update children, so it's sufficient to set RelativeLocation directly on the mesh.

My question is, is there another way to get the effect of network smoothing for Paper Characters? Or is there maybe a setting I skipped. This is a blueprint only project. Any and all help is very appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read.

My idea for a temporary workaround is to either attach a mesh to the paper character or reparent the paper character to a character class and try making the Sprite a child but but I haven’t been able to verify if works or not yet