Hi there…
I have followed this tutorial about making a multiplayer game using blueprint on Unreal Engine source version(compiled):
tutorial Link
now that I have finished my job, when I export it for android and try to connect some devices via Wifi direct,
I can’t connect my game to other devices!!!
I know that the server of the game must be hotspot.
I think I can make session successfully because the lobby map is opened(Option is listen)!.. but other clients can’t find server session…
this is my settings on DefaultEngine.init
also I have added these two permissions!
once my laptop (win10 64x) was as hotspot and also it was the server of the game and I could not connect my android ported game(from my tablet) to my laptop!!! (they were connected via Wifi direct)
once my android device was as hotspot and other android device was as client but I could not connect clients to hotspot server as owner of session…!!!
what I have to do? can I connect (my game) clients to (my game)server via wifi direct??
also I don’t know what I have to see on logcat to know the reason of issue(on Monitor.exe)!!!
thanks a lot…
I have already done this tutorial which works perfectly on android when two devices are connected to my wifi modem
Hi…thanks to reply…
wifi modem?!!
I want to connect 2 devices that are connected via Wifi Direct.
without having modem or … between,
so if you’r sure you did it via Wifi-Direct,just I want to know:
1-what permissions have you added?
2-is your OnlineSubSystem settings like my settings on DefaultEngine.ini file?
3-what is your engine version?
I don’t know why clients can’t join to sessions!!?
some times a client can’t release searching for active session even after 5 minutes!!!
I could not connect 2 devices directly via wifi.
I think there must be something as access point.
There is a free plugin named (advanced sessions) which you can download from forum. I used that plugin
thanks… so I will try it…
but I think I can connect they directly because some people said, they can do it properly!
thanks a lot…
Tell me please if you find out how to.
yeah…as soon as I can…thanks dude…
I have solved it using BluePrint…
just go to and follow this Video tutorials.
then you must open DefaultEngine.init and set:
and add all permissions like:
I think there were some other permissions for wifi and network, you can search on android central website.
then you can export you game and install it on some devices (android/windows were tested)
then you can connect your game via wifi direct or by Modem(just connect some devices to a specific wifi modem and play multiplayer with your connected friends via modem).
this was solved 1 year ago on UE4.12, good luck…
as I remember, we tested our simple game on windows and android, so we could connect together by various platforms and I remember most of errors about wifi connection was solved on UE4.12…
but I’m not sure that android was as server device or windows was server.
Are you sure that when you tried wifi direct the devices werent connected on the same network too? I can get devices of all kind to connect in any and all directions on lan, but cant get them to find sessions when on wifi direct only…
Here your both device are connected to same WiFi/Network so it easily work for all but here problem is Two Android Devise A1 And A2. A1 Was Created Hotspot And A2 Connected to A1’s created hotspot. And Now Created Problem When A1 Host A game But A2 Not Found A1’s Session.