Need to simply retarget animations from "animation starter kit" to quinn_simple

Please someone have an answer. Im trying to use the animations from the animation starter pack on the quinn_simple skeleton, which is anything but simple.

I have to use this 300 bone skeleton because i followed the only video on the internet that properly shows you how to use a metahuman as a playable chatacter, and he used quinn_simple.

Can somebody please provide a video that explains this? The videos ive tried dont use the right skeleton so im left to guess which of the 100 finger bones to use.

If its better to retarget? Remap? The ue4 skeleton to my metahuman that uses quinn_simple, please, can you link me a video? This is my last effort with ue5 before i just stay with ue4 so im really hoping somebody knows a solution.

Thanks again


This is a topic we discuss often!

Please take a look, if you still having doubts I can make a video if you need!

Oh my goodness, if you could make a video that would be amazing. My problem is I’m trying to retarget the animations starter pack to my metahuman character, but this character uses quinn_simple skeleton. Could you please make a video on doing exactly that? This would really save my brain lol because I’ve had a lot of losses lately. You guys have kept me going though. I took a look at those and I’m pretty sure they aren’t the same thing as I’m trying to do. I’ll look again but a video from you would be awesome. Thank you


I, OK I will watch this tomorrow. I’ve hit kind if a wall going all day everyday for so long. So I needed a slow, easy day. I’ll try my best to check that out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, and thank you!