Auto retargeting?

I just found the retargeting is really time-consuming. It takes lots of time if the mesh has many bones.
Is there a time-saver like auto retargeting?

Hello @jin8864y, I feel you!

In the content examples, you have e level for retarget examples, perhaps it helps!

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Nice! Thx!
Btw, do you happen to know how to use humanoid? I heard it is also another way to retarget easily, but I can’t find it in UE5. In UE4 tutorial, it says that you can do it with Set up Rig, but it’s removed in UE5.

Humanoid is not in ue5, I use this method

An It looks very very well the retarget, this is a test, not perfect but…

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Wow, it’s impressive. I’d like to be good at it as soon as possible!

Well I did not too much at the moment…

Ah just to say, for people who is looking to retarget metahuman, in the main project of the metahuman in the content browser it includes needed files