Difference between CR_Mannequin_Procedural & CR_Mannequin_Body & Beyond

Hello @Soaron, it does happen the same to me, I had all characters using the biped

I want to tell you in the end I did discard all of them and create them from scratch using metahuman
I did 5 characters in days, rigged, and working. If you consider this option tell me, or perhaps styles are totally different.

I’ll try to help you, this is a huge topic and many changes in UE5

I’m sure as you came from the old school you’ll get it fast!

At the moment let’s focus on characters in general

Of course the updated documentation



Of course yes, there is a level in the content examples (you can download from marketplace)
where you can see how it works

The retarget between 2 skeletal needs 2 elements:

IK Rigs and the IK Retargeter

It seems difficult and hard to do, but the results are so good, for example, I tried some retargets on old projects

Ok until here at the moment, tell me how is going!