I need to create a special texture for my landscape material, but I don’t know how it’s called. I’ve been searching the web for informations but can’t find any. It’s very importend, so I really hope someone could help me out with it.
I’ve added some pictures to this post. What I need can be seen on iamge 1 (Taken from exaple project)
Of course there are tons of errors in my setup without the texture as you can see on the other image (The one form material editor)
If you could only tell me how the cyan colored texture is called, it would be greatö.
I’d like to, but I don’t know how. That is exactly the problem. As far as I understrand there are values stored inside the RGB color channels, but I have no idea what values. I can create all kind of textures, just having issues figuring out what I need to do to get something similar like the cyan one on image “1.jpg”.
Those are speculars (hence the “_s” at the end.
specular isnt really used in ue4 and should be replaced with “Roughness maps” in ue4.
Speculars and roughness maps are generally grayscale textures showing where light reflects more or less.