Hey all, need some of your grand knowledge to be bestowed upon me for this next question. I am currently working with some interesting stuff that Tom Looman found/used in his Disney Facilier effect forum post, which you can see here:
What i need to find, however, is the equivalent of some code that he used, but able to be used in deferred rendering.
The code he used is " return Square(Texture2DSampleLevel(LightAttenuationTexture, LightAttenuationTextureSampler, UV, 0)); " which is found in the engine’s shader folder at …/4.14/Engine/Shaders/Common.usf and contains the function GetPerPixelLightAttenuation(float2 UV);
The problem with that, however, is that the code only works with forward rendering enabled. I don’t really understand or know the difference between forward and deferred rendering, but I have heard that deferred is more versatile/better/less limited and I would really like to not cripple my project right from the get go. So if anyone knows how to get the equivalent of that code to work with deferred rendering, I would be very appreciative.
For reference, when plugging the output of that code (when used in a custom node) into the emissive of a material, the output is the image below: